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​​​​"The word 'surgor' is a derived form of the latin word surgo, which means rise, get up, arise, raise, lift up and growI started surgor out of a desire to rise above the negative issues that so frequently characterise the academic landscape, and take to heart 1 Thess 5:11: ''Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.'. The goal is to do research in an authentic, inclusive, supportive, and community focussed manner, and to encourage and help empower young minds to reach their potential, become creative problem solvers, strive for excellence and give back with purpose to society.


Although I have a main research focus, I've always been a bit too curious and multi-dimensional in my approach to remain within a defined box. I connect concepts from various fields, and integrate them in my approach to research, teaching and supervision. I love new ideas, new metaphors for communicating them, and building bridges between the new and the old. As Albert Einstein once said: 'Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will get you everywhere'."


- Linke Potgieter, Associate Professor, Stellenbosch University, SCOPUS Profile -



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